Hi Everyone, Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. My mom wanted me to post some new pictures of myself so here are a couple. My new thing is to jump into the bathtub, It's even more fun when there is water in it and I can make a big mess. Now that all the snow is gone I have heard my mom and dad talking about the new fence they are going to be putting up so Rocky and I have a place to run and play and not have to be on that stupid chain anymore.
Well I am 5 months old now and my mom thinks I am going to be small for a husky, I think the vet got her a little worried the last time I was there because she told her that she thought I was kind of small. Anyway I sure miss seeing blogs from Macie and Malechai, I hope everything is ok with them and their humans. Also wanted to thank everyone that has been voting for my picture, You pups and fufu are the best, Puppy Kisses, Sooky
Woo Woo Sooky. I am loving the photo of you in the tub! I like to sleep in the tub at night when it is hot! I will have to post some of those photos :) I am a small Sibe too.. I am 3 years old and weight about 42 lbs. My Sibe mom and dad were on the smaller side. The vet says that I look fine even if I am on the smaller side. Tell your mom not to worry! As long as you eat and are not dehydrated, you should be fine ;)
Hugs, Sitka
I'm a little guy, too. I'm 4 and weigh in at 42 lbs.
Thanks Sitka and Turbo,
I feel much better now about being smaller knowing I'm not the only husky.Puppy Kisses, Sooky
Ha roo! You're looking great, Sooky! I like to nap in the tub - but not if there's any water around ANYWHERE!
Play bows,
PS: At 5 months, you're still growing! You'll probably keep sprouting until you're 1, then fill out until you're about 2.
Hey Sooky! How much do you weigh? Mom and Dad think I'm pretty scrawny too. We're the same age, so I wonder how we compare. Steve weighed 37 pounds last Friday at the vet. Last time my mom weighed me (with her super-duper scientific method of holding me and then stepping on the scale and then getting on it by herself and doing some math), I only weighed 28 pounds. So Steve looks huge in comparison to me. We're girls though, so we have to maintain our good looks. :-) Plus the other day Mom was looking at picture of us when we were first adopted and she made us promise not to grow anymore since we had already grown so much. So I'm doing my best!
Haroo Lil' Sis! We're back finaly. Lovin' the tub photo, you're getting so big so fast! Such a pretty girl!
Face Licks, M&M
My idiot brother Samule likes to get in the bathtub too. He sleeps in there sometimes, and also hides in it when it rains or storms. He's a big baby.
Hey Sooky, you sure look cute in the tub. :) So you're going to have lots of space to run around now.
~ fufu
Hi all, Thanks for all the nice comments.
Kat, mom tried to weigh me but the scale kept saying error when she was holding me, but mom says I weigh a ton, I'll let you know when I find out, Puppy kisses, Sooky
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