Sunday, June 24, 2007

Help! They're Multiplying

Hi Everypup and Girl girl,

Our other cat Tessa had 3 babies on Friday.Yes, they are cute but they all need to go live somewhere else. Mom says Mia and Tessa can't go back outside until they are fixed and that will be as soon as the kittens are weaned. Thankfully there is only 3 this time. Here are some pictures of the other kittens too. They are growing fast.
Rocky and I have been miserable with stupid fleas and my Mom was wondering if any of your Mom's and Dad's had any ideas for getting rid of them. We would prefer something all natural but at this point I dont think it matters.


H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Fleas are stupid and I'm banning them when I'm president.

We had stupid fleas last year that I think a stupid no-possum gave to us.

My Human gave us lots of baths and then treated the carpet and furniture with Borax.

Peanut said...

Mom says those kitties are cute but I don't think so. My mom says are a great way to keep fleas off of us but that doesn't help get rid of them just keep them away once they are gone.

Anonymous said...

Woo Sooky... Wow, more kittens?!?!? Thank DOG turbo is banning fleas! Mom has seen one or two on me and Tia. She is not happy since we are treated! We have heard this works and are in the process of doing it - RAID Flea Killer Plus Carpet and Room Spray. Apparently you have to do it every 10 days for a month to really over power the fleas. You can spray it on sofas, dog beds, carpet, etc. You just have to stick to the spraying. It drys pretty quickly - just don't let any animals be in the rooms at the time you use it. Mom just moved Tia and I from room to room while mom and dad worked in another room. We found the spray at Wal-mart. Hope this works for you. Also, link from my site and go to Tasha and Eva's site. They posted an oil spray to make for dogs to repell fleas and ticks.


Sooky said...

Thanks for the tips every dog, I will make sure my mom checks out the oil sprays.

Khady Lynn said...

Ooohhhh, kitty snacks!!! Ok, just kidding. But they do look cute. And tasty!

Check out Tasha and Eva's blog (link on my blog) as they have an all natural flea and tick remedy. We all use frontline plus, and have never had a flea. Good luck, I sure hope you get rid of those nasty things!!


Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

I am going to block your blog on my mom's computer. Not that you don't have a great blog, but if she sees those kitties, she will say, "OOOHHHH, kitties!" Then she will go tell Dad that she wants more kitties. So far Dad has been a strong, "no" to her more kitty needs. We will just look at your blog on a different computer. :-)


Bailey said...

Hi, Sooky. You are beautiful! Mom mom always wanted a Husky, but settled for me cause I neede a home. Anyway, about those cats. I can help you out there. Chasing cats is my specialty - so if you need a paw with that, let me know. Visit my blog sometime! Hugs, Bailey

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh that's alot of kittens. Do you help to take care of them?
I hope you find something that fix your flea problem

~ girl girl

The Army of Four said...

WOW! Can I have a cat!?!!? PLEASE?!!!? Mail me one, OK?
Play bows,
PS: My mom says baths, Frontline Plus, and treat the house with Borax. (Vacuum real well, then get regular Borax in the laundry section. Use a real fine mesh net to sprinkle EVERYWHERE. Vac again in 24 hours, then put more Borax down. Keep repeating until those nasty bugs are gone.) She said that's what they did in Korea and it worked real well.