This is Rocky, He lives with me. My Mom says Rocky is part American Eskimo (whatever that means) I think it means he likes snow too. He's a great dog and takes good care of me except when I try to take his food, He doesn't seem to like that very much. Anywoo please give him a warm welcome, Oh yeah, I also added some pics of my husky parents and my big bro and sis when they were little to my blog.
Puppy Kisses, Sooky
Hello Rocky, you look like a cute doggie too. Please take care of Sooky. :)
~ fufu
Rocky is very cute! I'm sure you with have a great time playing together! Just remember not to be too rough as you grow up, since you will be a lot bigger than he is!
Harooo Rocky, you're a cute little Northern Breed & it's very nice to meet you!
Face Licks, M&M
You and Rocky are very cute! Welcome to blogging!
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