Thursday, February 8, 2007

This was a picture my Mom took of me yesterday, Can't she see I am trying to sleep?
Well she got her new camera today and once she figures it out there will be no rest for me.
It does look awful tasty though.
Thanks to Macie and Malechai for all the pointers on being a great Husky, I will do my best.
Puppy Kisses, Sooky


The Army of Four said...

KILLER picture, Sooky! Mom wonders if that's what I looked like when I was a little guy. That's one of my favorite poses! I'll have to post a pic tomorrow -- mind if I use the one of you, too?
Maybe we're related!
Play bows,

Sooky said...

Hi Zim,
You can feel free to use my pictures anytime,
Puppy Kisses, Sooky

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Every time my mom tries to take a picture, I just go and try to lick the camera. That gets her every time! My brother is a big suck up and always poses. Silly boys!
